viernes, 28 de enero de 2022

Conditions for the healthy life of our pets


How to make your pet happy?, when it's not feasible to go out looking for new toys, get creative and make the toys yourself.

Offer him fun toys that he can destroy. It could be a cardboard tube with feed hidden inside or a plastic bottle that he can break to get the treats out.

Having a productive way to get all his destructive energy out can be beneficial for both your pet... and your fur shoes.

The pet must feel comfortable with its environment so that it does not suffer from stress or fatigue, our pet needs time for itself so try to give it time to rest during the day, they also need their space and you must give them a place where they feel safe, where they have freedom of movement, that is why cages or chains are not a viable option to have a happy and healthy pet. 

Human medications are good for pets?

Pets, when they enter our lives, we want to protect them from all evil, and sometimes when we medicate them, we do not realize what medicine we are giving them, because we want to help them we can do great harm, giving them drugs that are for humans.

Our pets are not equal to us, nor we to them, that is why we would not think of taking any medication that is for them, and because they are animals, does not mean that we should give them anything, because they do not tolerate certain substances could cause very serious diseases that could cause death.

It is true that sometimes the veterinarian prescribes human medications for our pets, but these are strictly monitored and specially recommended by the Doctor, they should not be self-medicated.

lunes, 24 de enero de 2022

Importance of pet care



Pets, when they enter our lives, we have to accept the responsibility to take care of them and protect them, since they influence our lives in a positive way.
The care and protection of our pets is important, since this way we can avoid any disease that may fall to our pets, which in some occasions, can be very serious and also freeing us from getting infected, since we are very attached to them.

These animals have become part of our family, they help us to get rid of stress, they give us company when we feel lonely, that is why they are very important to us, and we must not allow our pets to die, that is why we must give importance to everything they do, and realize if something is wrong; so we can prevent any disease that can be fatal for them.

Conditions for the healthy life of our pets

  How to make your pet happy? , when it's not feasible to go out looking for new toys, get creative and make the toys yourself. Offer hi...